Monday, May 13, 2019

Friday, February 08, 2019

No Proper Time Of Day where was I at before? 

I forget, which is nice. 

It was in about November that my current problem began; let’s call it aleph-naught. It’s an enthralling problem, and I have buried myself in it so that I have a reason to keep thinking. When this problem ends, I will still have aleph-one, The Game, and few trivial things to do. And I cannot drag aleph-naught out, because it involves an actual human being, though I am not making great headway into this. 

I had another distraction, and that involved a human too, but I’ve had to put that one to the side because, well, let’s just say that particular puzzle solved itself. 

I am waiting to fall asleep. 

As surprising as it is, considering that I grew up in a time when there was an awful lot of talk about grabbing people out of cults and deprogramming them, it turns out that if someone is actually mentally unwell, there is no benevolent group that will just go get them. I think I am destined to spend my entire life being surprised by how poorly society is structured. 

In other news, Arby died of lymphoma last year. Squooshable, Butler, Cookie, and Sweetie are still alive and well. I don’t believe that I will be getting any other cats after they go, but that’s a discussion for another post. Right now, I’m preoccupied with resolving this aleph-naught issue, and the pills I take to sleep are kicking in. I can hardly walk, and that has really sucked. 

But I can talk about all that later.