Wednesday, May 08, 2013


There are times when I simply cannot sleep. Yes, I am taking my Buspar and Klonopin like a good girl, but sleep just will not come.

As my mother would say, I have been 'unfaired against'. Mummers was big on therapy in the '60s and '70s, and that is one phrase she picked up from some therapist, but it fits. It is not fair that acquaintance rape is hard to prosecute.

Don't believe me? Google it. I had to in order to wrap my mind around this. I think I googled 'why is acquaintance rape not prosecuted?', and the bottom line is that the attorneys believe, however demented it sounds, that juries think that all women who go off with men they know are whores.

Well, that's the Reader's Digest version.

The power went out. It's like three a.m., and the damned power went out, and that doesn't make it any easier to sleep. And I have NO mental health benefits on my insurance (what is covered is if I commit myself), so I have to pull me through this. I am trying to. My gyn thinks I have PTSD and wants me to see a psychiatrist, but that's not covered, and I can't afford the visits with everything else I have to pay. I explained this to my gyn, so she said she will keep refilling the Klonopin and Buspar, but she isn't very happy about it. :-/

I will be ok. I am trying very hard, despite the panic attacks, the insomnia, the weird feelings...I am trying. to try to sleep again.

- Posted using Speak-n-Blog from my Fisher-Price Chatter Pull Telephone

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