Tuesday, August 31, 2004

My so-called mind...

I am going absolutely, positively nuts with all the things I have to do. Ok-- I am now officially at the point where I freaking dread waking up, because I'll just find out more new stuff I have forgotten to do! Today I forgot to have this one article read & ready to discuss, and forgot to email a website to someone (I'd promised to do this a week ago!). This is like freaking Alzheimer's setting in. Oh! And I almost forgot to go to work this morning! Well, I forgot that last night. I mean seriously--that's bad. Well, it's my part-time job (the toxic energy dump) that I forgot about, so who can blame me? :-) I didn't totally forget--I did show up, and was on time, and all that other stuff, but...I'm getting flustered. Augh. I am such a dumbass.

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