Friday, January 09, 2009


I love the pic below!  Everything is...special.  Hold me, please!  I have to get into a cat fight at Eviljob -- it's an Us versus Them thingy, where one group is trying to commandeer a project, and our group is trying to *not* let them do that.  

Then, I am currently trying to do a six-person research project ALL BY MY FUCKING SELF.  Yes, that would be Job 2.5.  Kill me now.  

Job 2 I am behind on prepping for, will all work out.  I hope.  Sheesh.

Job 2.5.1, however is FUBAR; Job 2.5.1, which was originally Job 2, then became Job 2.5 and then changed to Job 2.5.1 is...craziness.  I cannot even *explain* it.  I have to really explain this later, when I am not exhaused.  Basically, I have fucked up because I spent abouuuuut...ummm...two and a half (?) of the past years being dazzled by money, and am trying to fix it.  It is hard to know precisely how long, and -- again -- I will explain better later, 'cos I am going to need a lot of positive energy (Milli Vanilli-style, ha!) and stuff over the next few months as I fix this and begin hiking forward towards my density...errr...destiny.  

Heavens, I crack myself up.  

Ok...I have also been transcending stressed because -- in addition to everything else, I *just* found out (I started finding out on 15 December, when I got some f'ed up insurance card in the mail) that when I came back from leave from my surgery in August, Eviljob's jackass fucktard leave administration company SWITCHED MY INSURANCE over a month after I returned.  That's right -- I was essentially barebacking for three months because none of my physicians take the insurance offered by the Eviljob Plan Q (through like, Crazy Eddie's House of Insurance...only $50 a paycheck, and their prices are in-say-ay-ay-ayne!) that the leave administrator company dumped me into.  That's why I pay through the nose for Eviljob Plan A, which is through United Health, which everyone takes because UHC rocks.  Every year, during open enrolment I pick the same thing because I *like* my PPO, or POS, or whatever it is through UHC.  I get *everything* paid for (including the Gardasil vaccine, and jes --I am over 25, or 23, or whatever the ludicrous 'off-label' age starts at...UHC, you *rock*!), I do not have to ever have anything ok'd through a PCP, or get referrals, or whatever (even though I love my GP, having to go to him for everything is retarded; what do people do...go to their GP to get a referral for a PAP smear?  ...barbecue?).


So, in sum, they changed my insurance, and I did not know.  Then I found out and freaked the hell out, *then* I started getting bills.  At first I emailed our Human Resources staff, then I started pulling out old emails I have archived with contacts at our leave administrator's company and started cc'ing everyone.  Well, I just found out today that finally they fixed it -- I can ask all my doctors to re-file.  Jesus.  

I am going to have to finish this later, 'cos I am totally crashing, I am so tired.  

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

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