Thursday, January 19, 2012


I know that I promise more and then never deliver. I had to bump my Get Out Of Jail date to May.

I am concerned about a wide variety of things, from if my finances will hold out to the shiteous state of the entire fucking world. I am trying to focus on only what is local and immediate to me.

One of those things is Sweetie backing her ass up into my face. Just a sec...


I do not have many, or any, friends left who like to play games with poetry and song lyrics, and in the past year, I have come to greatly miss that. When I was a teenager, a handful of us would pick a song or poem and investigate it until we had pummelled the life out of it. From there, we would reconstruct it in some cases, with modern or more common meanings. It actually was fun, and if I could ever think of a way to make a board game out of it, I'd probably make a mint.

Well, I heard a story on NPR which reminded me of some old lyrics, and because I am lonely, I emailed Meg to try to entice luck. Oh, well.

Tomorrow I will be drowning in stats work and meeting my father for lunch.

Love you. Mean it.

- Posted using SomeBlogApp that I don't know how to use. o_O

1 comment:

Scott Johnson said...

Hey, I'm not exactly local but I love that sort of thing. Song lyrics are there to be analyzed until they're fully understood, at which point liberties are to be taken! Well, okay, there's only so much you can do with the lyrics to "Oh Yeah" by Yello, and as far as I can tell, no one has ever managed to FULLY understand any lyric written by Tori Amos, but there are better examples. Besides, song lyrics ARE poetry, and some are sheer genius.

I was listening to Harry Chapin's "Taxi" this morning and finally really, really HEARD part of the bridge, and identified with it so strongly I nearly ran off the road.

"I've got something inside me, but it's not what my life's about, 'cause I've been letting my outside tide me over 'til my time runs out."