Monday, January 16, 2012

I have to get back to work... I'm late on finding this, but I've been following he story for years:

I have to figure out what I am teaching tomorrow. They have put me off my game with changing the days/times of classes. And I'm already experiencing panic about getting everything done.

There's discord at Eviljob because of something that happened a few years ago. Someone was injured/killed, and now the aggrieved party is suing. This alone wouldn't be so unusual, but coupled with the fact that ol' Zaphod thrust himself into the situation (why? Because it involved a cute lady), I'm in for another round of hearing all about how lacking I am. Even though Z and I are just friends at this point.

I had to change cell phones (company, number), and I'll get into why later. For now, let it suffice to say I will be happy to be leaving when I graduate. On top of that, the crazy lady Zaphod started trying to hook up with ended up with after we parted decided to try to fake a friendship with me and be all crazy-assed. I was worried about her harming my feral colony after she was fired/quit, but at least now, with the lawsuit, I have less to worry about with respect to damage from non-employees on company property.

Ok... More later. I'm getting better about blogging. Promise.

- Posted using the other blog app that I don't know how to use.

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