Monday, July 25, 2011

Hello, it's me...

I am still short on sleep. In reply to the comment I cannot get to on this app, it's true; no revisions is a total rarity. Further distancing the event from any semblance of normality is that the paper has no faculty advisor; although two of us are ABD, it is still wholly student-written. As if that weren't enough, we are not a member of the 'in' group, research-wise. The 'in' group I worked tangentially with from '06 - '08, but as these were anonymously submitted, even that bought us no gain. Our Gang of Three are slightly walking on clouds, needless to say.

I meet with my brother (and family) tomorrow; he's in town for a week, and I've been trying to get all the time with him that I can. I have a ton of stuff to finish, helped out not at all by having to give in and back up my full-to-the-brim laptop HD. That took an entire day. Boo.

I am going to try to sleep...I'm reading serial murder books that I have already read to bore myself to sleep. I know: it's a sick hobby. But in fairness, I am not a SK groupie, or a skip-to-the-salacious-part reader; I am insanely envious of the pre-VICAP generation of detectives, and would love to have been a part of something so...engrossing. Trying to out-think someone who has the upper hand in what is basically a life or death game of chess.

I'd have fucking LOVED it.

Many of the books touch upon how some detectives' health suffered, and so forth; I love research. I love stress, pressure, puzzles. For me, the hardest part would be having to safely turn them over to the state; I'm more the type to want to drive up to the police station with a killer's carcass strapped across my hood like a deer. Fuck that 'guilty until proven innocent' shit; if you hunt, you get hunted. It's that simple.

Well, in my world.

- Posted using SomeBlogApp that I don't know how to use. o_O

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