Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lord knows when your A/C goes, you'll sweat into the ground...

I'm over-tired, and the weather sucks. It is cold, but the parking lot cats are doing fine, and my cats are mostly sleeping, which is normal for them. :-) Breakfast is doing okay, I see Blacktoe a lot, and Mehitabel only occasionally, which means she's probably pregnant again.


I have a lot to say. I mean, I could really literally write a freaking *book* at this point, but there just isn't enough time. I am going nuts; I feel as if I haven't slept in a year. I have more to do than I will ever accomplish in this *lifetime*.

I did get depressed yesterday, and it is sticking with me a little bit. I was messaged by an old friend who has asked me on and off for a long time now if I wanted to hear about So-and-So, an other old friend (of sorts) whom I left on iffy-at-best terms. Each time, I said no. Yesterday afternoon, I said yes. Well, actually, I said, 'Fine. What?'

Well, it turns out that he's dead.

This actually has made me pretty...something. Hurt, depressed, bereft of hope...something. Sad. Very sad.

I had always thought that eventually I would get around to seeing him again. I guess I should have come off my Attitude Pedestal a little earlier. And I'm going to quit this paragraph before I start quoting Fire and Rain.

I really have to break out of this...this thing I am in. This rut. Or whatever. It is only getting worse, and I am going batshit.


1 comment:

Scott Johnson said...

Well, you didn't exactly quote fire and rain, but you worked it into the title, didn't you? :) Classy. Hope you feel better soon.