Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fetch the Bucket!

This is pretty of my primo sources for forwarded emails sent this to me, and the funny thing is, it was weirdly correct.  Coo.
Food for thought...
This is a unique personality test. There are only 4 questions but the results are very interesting. I was kind of shocked by what some of my answers meant. Be honest and honor what pops into your mind when the questions present themselves. Just click on the following:
I started out being unintentionally not-honest (as in not truly reflective) on the first question, then I changed it and thought a long time about it (before I moved to Question 2), and the answer was SO correct for me, that I couldn't have done it any other way. 
Anyway...I would go into the drama-shit that is my life, but...I would rather just ignore it.  :-)  But I *will* say that the person at Eviljob about whom I complained the other day actually GAVE ME THE SILENT TREATMENT!  Whaaa-0HAAAAA!  I must admit, I've not been given The Silent Treatment since BFF Renee in GRADE FOUR???  Clearly, I'm sorely over-due, cos I am an obnoxious bint and all.  Sigh.  Whatever.  Do yer worst.  Fookin' pansyass.
One of the drawbacks of having a teacher-mommy is that the bitch is trying to teach you something, anything, constantly, from the moment you're out the womb, cos she is compelled to and can't stop.  My Mommy even tried to teach her cat, Arby, to talk.  Seriously.  Taught her words like 'teeth', 'pants', 'squeakymouse', and so on.  The down side to this is that Arby now actually thinks she *can* talk. But that's another story; my point was that Mummers taught me to read and write before I ever hit school.  She also let me learn to write left-handedly, cos I did it naturally, and so I spent much of my early school years trying to un-learn being left handed, cos the less-understanding teachers in the school district I attended (not my Mommy's commie liberal school district) said that I would be 'happier' as a Righty.  And as my lugubrious wallowings here clearly demonstrate, they sure did know what they were talking about, hmmm?
  I *could* tell you that she had me reading by two, which is true, but it's not like I'm bringing Mom onto my blog to prove it should there be a disbeliever, so feh -- suffice it to say I was reading and writing before I ever went to school.  Therefore, reading is SO deeply ingrained a habit, and so totally reflexive, that by now I read things without meaning to read them...I cannot help it.  And I whole-word read (I forget the alternate term), which I never knew people don't usually do until about five years ago or so. 
Why do I mention this?  Because knowing that I do that, and use my peripheral vision constantly, you don't want to ever leave email and crap sitting out where I can read them, even if you think I am looking at something on the other side of your L-shaped desk.  Srsly.  But that's not actually why I mention it.  I mention it because when I read something all at once, sometimes my brain just picks out salient words and moves on to the next topic -- I 'get' the meaning, but the actual words hanging out in my brain are often not the same thing as the actual meaning, which is how I came to make myself sick at work today laughing over my mis-reading of this:
I swear, that Sanrio thinks of fricking *everything*!  All the cool bulimics in Japan have one.  Rilly. 

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