Thursday, November 06, 2008

Think Like You Vote -- Early and Often.

I am trying to stay out of political discussion, but...

*I* am now confused...why is anyone surprised? For those of you who actually fell for that 'Obama hates Jews' shite, it's time to change out the air in your head; hating Jews or not (and we don't know either way what goes on in a man's head, Friend; that's why we look at a man's actions, not his words), Barky has more powerful concerns. So...what's going on?

Three words: Chicago. Political. Machine.

Be Zen about it; it's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing -- it just *is*. Things, in some places, have always run this way; it is *a* way, as are many other ways. Perhaps this way will be better than Bush's way, which was...well...the EPIC FAIL way.

This is not a mystery to anyone but, apparently, ummm...well...

I hate to point fingers. We'll just act like this conversation never happened. You're clear on it all now, yes?

Hee...I call Sec'y of State will be R. J. Daley.

What? Dead you say? But...but...he just voted...

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