Friday, May 18, 2007

The last thing I need is horny robots running around in here...

I am feeling much better. No, rilly. I am. I will hang in there until Thursday just fine, I think. Actually, after Thursday, but whatever. I am trying to work and watching The Devil's Rejects as I am waiting for some other movie to come on that I wanted to see but cannot remember the name of right now. Oh, yeah -- Grandma's Boy. I need puerile humour. :-)

The Devil's Rejects is one dumb-assed fucking movie, but there are some great lines in it.


I guess that I do not have a whole lot to say right mind is busy. Or I am stupid. :-) Or both.

So I will just do a meme, instead...

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?

God, telling me that I am a multi-quadrillionaire, leader of the Free World but can run it as a virtual position, ‘cos have the next four years off for vacation, after which I can have his position, because he’s sick of all the big, hairy bullshit.

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?

Not only do I return my cart, if I see a stray I will go get it and take that one in to use. Having my car bumped by stray carts annoys the crap out of me.

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?

It completely depends upon the situation; if I get the feeling that the person with whom I am speaking would rather talk (or needs to), I am more of a listener. This is usually what happens.

4. Do you take compliments well?

No; I hate compliments. They make me feel…I don’t know; self-conscious and icky.

5. Do you play Sudoku?

Like with whose time?

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?

Certainly. And then I would hunt down whoever had abandoned me there, and kill them. Slowly.

7. Do you like to ride horses?

It is ok, but it was never a huge interest of mine (I never caught ‘horse fever’ like most girls seem to), and I have not had the time to in years.

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?

Blecch. Yes. Several times, and I hated it, because it always seemed as if everyone in charge (counsellors, director, etc…) went out of their way to make everyone uncomfortable – for example, one year the bathroom for our group was out of commission, and instead of fixing it, ‘fessing up to the parents, or closing down the one group area, our lucky group had to hike through the woods to another group’s facilities, be it day, night, raining…whatever. Hated. That went on for two weeks until one kid in our group told her parents (most of us I guess figured our parents knew, or something), then all hell broke loose and they re-grouped us. And the food usually sucked. And I hate having every freaking minute of the day scheduled. So ummm…yes. I did go. :-)

9. What was your favorite game as a kid?

Oh, lord… As far as kid/kid games, we were constantly changing games; there was no one game that we played all the time. If I had to pick between team and group games, then? Ahhh…I don’t know. I liked all the pretend games, even if we had to play War, too. Sigh. As far as board games, I guess Ghosts or Which Witch (shocker; I was a spooky child, also). As far as video games, how far back in kid-hood are we talking, here? *Way* too many to pick from.

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?

No. If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it *to* you. For real – that is someone’s dreamboat that is in the process of shipwrecking; why in the fuck would I want to climb on that? Plus, knowing they were like that would make them decidedly un-sexy.

11. Have you lied to get out of a date?

Auk! Yes. I am a terrible person, I know. Everything from getting my cell to ring to saying I had choir rehearsal…which, as an agnostic, is a little hard to get away with.

12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?

I guess it would depend upon (1) how cuckoo *their* beliefs were, and (2) how tolerant of others (myself included) they were. I am not changing for ANYONE. I do not have any religious beliefs, just a few spiritual ones, so I will get along with anyone, provided they are not a total extremist freak.

13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?

That would depend on the situation, as well as my level of interest. If I am pursuing a total unknown and do not have positive feedback, then I assume they are Otherwise Occupied and lose interest. If I have a high level of interest, then being pursued is fine; if my interest is low, then that’s just one more crazy stalker nut. Sigh. I am too difficult, I know.

15. Do any songs make you cry?

Yes. It is because I am pathetic. What songs? If I am in one of those moods, it could be anything. The freaking Star Spangled Banner would work.

16. Are you continuing your education?

Bwaah…yes. To the bitter end.

17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?


18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?

My felines! :-D I would be running out of the house nude, cramming cats into my big carrier…all five of them.

19. How often do you read books?

Constantly, it seems. For leisure, not so much these days, though I did start one today and think I can finish it by tomorrow.

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?

All three. Often at once. Yes, I take Imitrex.

21. What is your favorite children's book?

I loved a bunch of books, from Dr Seuess to Golden Books. The Monster at the End of This Book was a favourite, but the first one that I read over and over and loved was The Mystery of the Chinatown Pearls; I begged my mom to buy it for me at a library clearance sale (she was sure I did not really want it because she said that it was too old for me), and then begged her to let me get my hair in a French Twist for months after.

22. What color are your eyes?

Pond-scum green.

23. How tall are you?

5’ 10”

24. Where is your dream house located?

I would be happy with a place in Hawaii, or the mountains. Or some cute tiny little town near a city large enough that I would be occupied when I wanted to be. I am not picky.

Well, maybe a little picky. :-) It is not about where in a physical sense for me as much as with respect to…I guess more a ‘where’ mentally, and in terms of lifestyle. And the people I am with. If that part is good, then where I am physically is a trivial issue.

Though somewhere that has a place where a girl can hang out in autumn, walk around some water, see some gorgeous foliage, and go window-shopping in a cute little downtown area would definitely be nice.

Bonus points for having sparkly lights in the trees.

25. Do you have a secret fetish?

Sigh…yes. More than one, actually. Only a couple important ones, however. :-) I may need to start a list with a priority ranking…

26. Have you tried sushi?

Tried many times over; I love sushi. I intend to keep trying it. :-D

27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?

Yes. One of the biggest losses of my life was a strip of pictures taken with a friend who died not long afterwards; I lost it when my purse was stolen, because I kept it in my wallet. I have taken a few since then, but off the top of my head can only think of where one other would be; it is of me, my best friend at the time, and the Former Future Mr Ancodia. I should probably burn that eventually. I wish my former best friend were not in it, ‘cos that is the only reason I have hung on to it this long. She would probably still be my best friend if she had not become a psychotic drug addict, thief, and pathological liar. I liked her a lot.

28. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?

For some weird reason, that is one of Meg’s favourite restaurants; I have to eat there probably every month or so. Last time was I think last Saturday afternoon with Meg and Baby Bat.

29. When was the last time you were at Church?

When my brother was married. Bwaah…no: I went to buy a Mass for a co-worker’s brother who died, and I think *that* was the last time. Though that might not count as being *in* church. Nor would my brother’s marriage then, I guess. Prior to that? Ummm…shit; I forget. I have been in more churches and temples than I can remember, and none totally stick out in my mind except for one really nice Christmas where the person I was dating took me to their church to go carolling. That was actually really wonderful, ‘cos most of the people we visited were older parishioners who really enjoyed it, and we got to visit with them for a while after before we moved on to the next home. That was probably one of the nicest Christmas Eves I have had.

30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?

To Job 2, because I think you meant farthest. The furthest was probably that weird-ass dream I had this morning about taking Romeo to the Wonderland Mall (carried under my arm) to hear Wynonna sing. Don’t ask me where that one came from; neither Romeo nor I particularly *like* Wynonna. But there were torches all over the place, and it was freaking Romeo out, but it looked pretty cool. I woke up before we got to see Wynonna.

Now I have to figure out where I will take Squooshable.

31. What was your favorite job?

Working in a beauty salon because I got to play with all the crap, although obviously I did not like it enough to stay there. I also liked teaching computers, though. And I did like the theatre stint I did. I do not know, really; this is a tough question for me. I have done a lot of things, and I liked most all of them on at least some level. I kind of like what I am doing now that best…mostly. I guess.

32. Do you like mustard?

Ummm…yes. I do. All different kinds, a lot, on the right foods. This has to be one of the weirdest questions I’ve been asked. Are you going to ask me if I like cheese next?

33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?

I guess sleep, unless I was really hungry. Are you running out of questions?

34. Do you look like your mom or dad?

Neither one; more of a cross, I guess. I look like one of my aunts a lot, though. I have facial features from Mummers’ side of the family, but I ended up with a head full of paternally-inspired ‘cat fur hair’ (that’s what my hairdresser named it, and before she knew that I was a crazy cat lady). My colouring is more paternal…except for my eyes; I definitely have eyes from Mom’s side.

35. How long does it take you in the shower?

Ten minutes, minimum. If I had my druthers, I would be in there a fucking week, probably. I rarely get my druthers.

36. Can you do the splits?

Probably not any more; I haven’t tried in years.

37. What movie do you want to see right now?

Way, way, WAY too many. I will never get to see them all…sigh. Juste pour Rire is coming up…let’s go there instead! :-D

38. If you could fast forward your life, would you?

Only if I could rewind as well.

39. What did you do for New Year's?

I went out for the first time in a few years. I had not missed much during my hiatus. This year I think I will hide under my bed.

40. Do you think The Grudge was scary?

No. Yet one more Motif of Harmful Sensation movie, IMO. One of many. *Too* many. Zzzzzz…

…though I *do* want to get around to seeing Cigarette Burns.

41. Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?

You *are* running out of questions, aren’t you?

42. Do you own a camera phone?

Yes. And I am sure the world is fascinated.

43. Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?

Kind-of. I have stuff that I should throw away, I know that.

44. Was your mom a cheerleader?

ROFLOL! Oh-my-god, what an image! Ummm…no. Although she is athletically-inclined, Mummers would not like looking like the other girls, first off. Second, she would resent whomever was in charge (unless it was *her*). Third, if she were in charge, she would oversleep and miss every practice. Fourth, my mommy would castigate her team if they were losing, and think that she was being clever by making up derogatory cheers to spur them on. Fifthly, Mom would get bored halfway through any game and just leave. Cheerleader? HAH!

45. What's the last letter of your middle name?


46. Do you like your middle name?

Actually, yes. Should I ever have a daughter, she might find herself saddled with it.

47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

What is this ‘sleep’ thing of which you speak?

48. Do you like care bears?

YES! I love the Care Bears! I think that, since they do not have a Goth Bear, that I am most like Grumpy Bear, except for the not being ‘too’ grumpy part…although I did take one quiz a while ago that said I was a Goth Care Bear; I pegged my Caring Meter on the rain-cloud side a long time ago, baby.

49. What do you buy at the movies?

Popcorn and a drink, usually. If it is a place that serves food, then I get regular food. Or nachos; nachos are cool. One of my absolute favourite theatres has a full restaurant and you sit at tables – they have awesome nachos.

50. Do you know how to play poker?

Oh, no. Not at all. Though I would love to learn! So if you wanted to teach me that would be great! But we should play for money, so that I have encouragement to learn, though. Ok? :-D

51. Do you wear your seatbelt?

Most always. My car dings at me when I don’t, and that is annoying.

52. What do you wear to sleep?

Usually nothing. Sometimes an oversized t-shirt, and I do have some actual nightgowns that I use when I travel or…whatever. And if I am cold, I will wear sweats.

53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?

On the North American continent, my hometown is behind only like, NYC and maybe Toronto in ‘bigness’. In impact and attitude, if not size. What do you *want* to happen there? Let me assure you: It already has.

54. How many meals do you eat a day?

Usually one. Want to offer to make something for me? No? Then shut up.

55. Is your tongue pierced?

No, though I have been tempted a few times; I hear that they are loads of fun. I would never be able to, though. That would very much not fly in my current career(s), so I just have to make up for it in other ways. ;-)

56. Ever meet anyone you met on myspace?

No. Can’t say I am really feeling the Myspace Thing.

57. Do you read myspace bulletins?

No, though I am sure they are bulletining something important; I am certain it is my loss.

Ok, not really.

58. Do you like funny or serious people better?

Again, it depends; if everything is functioning normally, I like funny people. However I do not like it when humour is the *only* thing a person has going for them.

59. Ever been to L.A.?

Yes, but I took Cipro and washed with Comet afterwards, so I am okay now.

60. Did you eat a cookie today?

No. Want to come over and make cookies for me? No? Then shut up.

Sniffle…and I *wanted* a coookie! ;-)

61. Do you use cuss words in other languages?

Yes, occasionally. Humorously enough, the only cursing I could get away with in front of my parents (before I turned eighteen) was in Sacre. They knew what it meant – my father speaks French (and Quebec French), and my mother is passable for basic stuff in QF (though she has a god-awful accent in it at some points, like a piano with a few keys out of tune) – but I think they were not offended by it because neither is fervently religious; my father is an agnostic, and my mother is religious mostly on paper (when she is not immediately afraid she will die – then she becomes Quite Pious Indeed). If I went overboard around French speakers though, I stood to have the hell beaten out of me. ;-) In the past few years however, I have intentionally tried to cut back on non-Englishisms; I figure that if I am going to kvetch about people not assimilating, I need to assimilate my own ass.

62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?

Oh, don’t be ridiculous…of course I *always* pay for them. Puh-LEEZ!

63. Do you hate chocolate?

Why should I hate chocolate?

64. What do you and your parents fight about the most?

My mother and I? Everything. My father and I? These days, nothing.

65. Are you a gullible person?

Sadly, sometimes. Other times, I am over-guarded. Hard to find a good balance there.

66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?

No. I am far happier alone than with a shitty boy- or girl-friend. I am quite comfortable with waiting.

67. If you could have any job what would it be?

I would like to be god. That would be cool.

68. Are you easy to get along with?

Extremely, as long as you are.

69. What is your favorite time of day?

Probably afternoon and evening. Sometimes late at night, especially if I get to see sparkly lights. :-) I am a big sucker for sparkly lights.

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