Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No time like the present...

I will not get any more time than i have now any time soon. Sigh. Work
is hectic, as always. Both of them. Yesterday i had to race out of
work to keep Mummers from being arrested at her bank when a lady in
front of her in the drive-through said Mom hit her Lincoln with mom's
Mercedes. Mom told her to go to hell, and so this lady phoned the
police, and Mummers phoned me. Bwaah! When the police arrived, they
told the lady there was no damage, and this lady was going
psychoapeshit when i pulled up. The police just made them exchange
information, and that's when Mom found out Crazy Woman was one year
younger than her (i spend a lot of time around crazy old ladies), at
which point (still all blocking the drive-through, cos Lincoln Lady
refused to move until the police got there, and was still refusing to
move until the police took pictures of the 'crime scene'...a direct
quote), Mummers told her to mind her elders, and Lincoln Lady tried to
take a swing at Mom. Then they both started swearing at each other,
and the police threatened to arrest them both, and tried to gently
guide them apart, but Mom started making some gestures at LL, and LL
went psychoapeshit again. I did not see the gestures, but Mom's cop
started laughing, and i *did* see Mom stick out her tongue, make a
'nyah!' face, and waggle her hips. I got between Mom and LL, and
started yelling at Mom that i could not believe she did that, and i
couldn't see LL's officer, but i thought the officer blocking Mom was
about to wet himself. Finally they made LL drive away first, and then
told Mom to leave. Both of them were told to not contact each other,
to go through their insurance companies. Sigh. Mom said she
appreciated having me on her side. Just shoot me. In Other News, i
started bleeding over the weekend, and am going to the gyn tomorrow. I
an running out of room here and have to go, so more later...soon.

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