Thursday, January 10, 2008

Maybe if you were normal maybe if maybe if maybe if I were, too...

Sometimes I get so frustrated with my advisor that strangulation seems
a really viable option, and other times I love my advisor so much I
could just cry. Today, we're good. Really, really good. As much as I
am ready to leave, I wish in a way I were able to stay.
Colleague-wise, I could do far worse.


At the end of last week, I had a training seminar boot camp thing
thrown at me, and don't ask me how, but I didn't fuck it up. :-) Meg
has been telling me for a couple of years that eventually I will grow
out of the corporatese snow-job schtick (at which I excel, by the way)
and go for a more traditional (if less interesting) construction, and
I guess she is right; that was largely the change I perceived, at
least. Anyway, we cannot all be Meg...much to her dismay.

Monday was eh, and Tuesday I threw off Eviljob, put in face-time at
J2, and then went off to meet Harry and Cindy The Batshit Girlfriend
for trivia. He drives me nuts, but at least he has managed to stay
employed. Hmph. I also had an ultrasound on Millicent et Melisande (my
ovaries, remember?), and Melisande (right side) no longer has a cyst
(I think that means it was just a luteal cyst, which is normal), and
Millicent (left, stupid side; Melisande's smaller, dumber sister)
actually has *less* of a cyst -- down to 3.11cm. So that is GOOD --
that means no surgery, at least for now. Yay. I just stay on The Pill
permanently, regardless of how ragingly horny I stay. Woo-hoo.

But I am excited; this semester is the beginning of the end, and I am
going to make every effort to enjoy this year-ish. I am not going to
let myself get bogged down in anything...swear. Kate is to have
stepped in to fill my position at J2sub1, and she's not working out;
and I am not fixing it, I am moving on. Mostly. She also has a new
assistant (kind of an office admin stepnfetchit), not my old
assistant, and he isn't working out, either. Not my problem. He is
obnoxious, and pesters the fuck out of me. I have named him Ferd. Feh
on Ferd. Not my problem.

I am working on building a better Ancodia. I am not going to be
scared about all I need to do, I am not going to lament and bemoan all
the things I have not gotten to do, or all the things I have had to do
that are 'above and beyond'. I may not have had as much free time as
everyone else, I may have had to skulk around to work at Eviljob when
I wasn't supposed to, but...doesn't matter. I'm letting it go; I am
not the bitter type, anyway. Not really. I just have to find a way to
keep on juggling for a leetle bit longer. Sigh.

I'm sleepy. I think tomorrow I will get some yarn and make something
nice for myself. I haven't taken on a carry-around task for a while.


Bobby D. said...

I am too late for the Tuxedo Uprising?

dennis said...

Dennis wonders if this is the place where the Tuxedo Cats are having their annual meeting. (?)

Jeffrey said...

I'm kinda busy today--can we do this next week?

Lawrence said...

My job is making me scream! Can't organize the Uprising on such short notice!

dennis said...

Dennis likes yarn.