Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I live.

I had the surprise of an urgent business trip last week, got back in
time to teach, and then tried to juggle catching up at Job2 with
finishing off the crap from my trip, plus the regular Eviljob
schtuffs. ::breath:: ...and then it was off to my father's for a mini
family get-together for this old lady thing my stepmother does (I once
suggested her group could have more fun doing things like solving
murders a la Rita Lakin's books, to
which my no-imagination step, the former dancer-turned-surgical
nurse-turned relative, just stared. And my father told me to stop
being so silly all the time because it is unbecoming. But I *still*
say running an old lady detective agency would be more fun)
Butsoanyway. Then I slid back into town as if stealing home base just
in time to teach (again), and then finally made it home. Today, I took
off part of the day to catch up on errand-stuffs (among other things,
it's cleaning time, and my dentist's receptionist -- who speaks only
German -- drives me batshit on the phone, so I had to drive by there.
Sigh. Why he lets her transact over the phone for him, I will never
know...mainly 'cos I am too uptight to ask, I suppose). Which brings
me to now; the weather is hideous at the moment, so Harry and I
scrapped trivia for tonight. Tomorrow, it's back into battle. Yay.
Though, really, everything is going well; even Romeo seems to be doing
ok -- he is eating almost normally, even though he is thin, thin,
thin. I am still on the same routine with him -- 200ml sub-q every
other day, and tons of VAL syrup, and he seems to be holding
steady...even though he has a form not unlike a greyhound. He walks,
talks, purrs, and sleeps in front of the refrigerator, so there's
still some quality of life being had. Although the feeling is
decidedly *not* mutual, Squooshable loves Romeo, or is at the very
least quite concerned about him. I think Squoosh looks on Romeo as a
humanitarian cause, and probably calls Romeo 'Ethiopia Cat'. It's
ok...more later. Soon. Promise.

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