Tuesday, August 05, 2008

It lives.

Mummers' CA-125 test was negative; I've taken her up on her 'offer' to
accompany her to the doctor (read: she phoned me every ten or fifteen
minutes to ask me if I would be heading out anyway, then to mention
traffic conditions, next pretending that she'd forgotten she'd already
phoned...and so on. This is Mommyspeak for 'come be with me'...sigh).

I sent a text to Meg to let her know; I don't remember what she is
doing today, but I think it was a tournament. Late last night when I
spoke with her, she was going in Circus Circus, and she said the
outside reminded her of a dead mall, and the clown is creepy...so she
was thinking of me. Funny girl.

In Other News, I have Mummers' bronchitis, and a raging headache from
the clarithromycin. Bwaah.

oh...and...as mom was filling out her 'what's new with you' med update
forms, I noticed she made a 'bronchitis/bronchitic' slip like I do
(even more frequently when typing quickly), and I just found that
humorous; it's good to know that I'm not the only one suffering from
the occasional cyrillic bleed-over.

I have taken everything I can get my hands on for this headache,
including half of one of Mummers' Mobic tabs, and nothing has
*touched* it. I may explore trephanation soon.

Oh! In Cat News, huge speuterfest next weekend. Yay.

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