Sunday, August 03, 2008



I have managed somehow to get sick. Bleah. My throat hurts a lot. And I have data I have to work on that I've not gotten to yet...and I don't feel like it.

But wait -- there's more!

Mom went on Thursday for a CA-125 test, which we will have results on around Monday. Let's all hope she doesn't have cancer, say? She's also been battling some flu she brought with her from Texas (probably from my brother's children), and we thought she was over it, but then I went and took her around on Thursday and she tried some of my taro milk boba tea, and I think she freaking infected me. With this throat crap, I mean; not cancer. ;-)

Meg's staying at the Rio, and took today off to drive out to NTS, or so she says. :-) I told her Mummers has an in at the lab now and can get her bumped up in line for CA-125 tests. Meg's not big into dead malls and whatnot as I am, but she and I are similar enough that she's NTS-bitten; tell us not to go somewhere, and that's the first place we beeline. Anyway, then she's going to Rachel, then back to her hotel, I think.

And oh, throat is sore. This sucks ass. I tried to phone my brother to see if he thought I should start on something (ok, ok...and to talk him into phoning in a prescription for it), but he was celebrating the birthday of another doctor in his group, so he was half-drunk, so yay. I asked what he was drinking (he favours the nasty german beers), and thought he was trying to be funny when he said 'shayna madel' (that's what I heard at least, and asked him where his wife was; it was actually a pretty funny misunderstanding, but I'm too tired to give it a full treatment here), but it is Shiner Bock he was slurring, and he says it's wonderful, so I can only assume it tastes like the soles of panzer boots like the other stuff he drinks. He made me promise I'd try it when I'm there next. Woo-hoo.

To make myself feel better instead, I bought rainbow cookies. I *love* rainbow cookies. These are Delancy St. Bakery's and (imo) are a little heavy on the raspberry and not heavy enough on the almond flavour, but they're good.

Maybe if I don't die, I'll make my own. w00t.

Only a few weeks to go until the Christmas/Holiday Season. Hang in there. Just a few short weeks.

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