Sunday, September 21, 2008

Everything...all at once

In order of (in some cases, missed) occurrence:

14 September:  Happy birthday, Harry.  I will continue to try to not kill you in the upcoming year, especially since you were such good help catching cats this weekend. That was a fantastic birthday present.   

18 September:  Happy birthday to Susan (Wildrun )...I admire you so, so much!

20 September:  Happy birthday to Ms Grammarian !  I am vicariously soaking up the big city excitement, and wishing you the best!  :-)

21 September:  Happy birthday to Mommy, who is batshit-crazy, but has introduced me to a very interesting man.  ilu, Mummers.  

And lastly...happy birthday to me.  Whew.  

In Other News, we had our speuterfest (finally), and caught sixteen (last I heard; some people stayed after I had to leave) and that does not include one two week-old kitten.  And there's more to be caught, least that's something.  We may be out again next weekend.

I have to get back on my crap -- I am spending my birthday working -- but wanted to at least send out hugs.

Things are going well.  :-)


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