Friday, September 12, 2008

ilu Modest and Roller Coaster Tycoon!

I took a day today where I *claimed* to be working on Eviljob stuffs, but was really driving around town running errands and fucking around buying makeup at the mall while I was waiting for the pen to be finished -- one of my errands was getting an engraved pen for a co-worker who just took a promotion, and I'd stopped on the 'bad' side of Macy's (the side where the no-life trashy kids hang out outside), and was enjoying Pictures at an Exhibition on public radio when someone from work phoned and totally wrecked my listening, so when I came home tonight I went Mussorgsky-hunting out of boredom and found this!

It's *gorgeous*''s...'s Goth Disney.

I wanna go!!

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