Thursday, October 30, 2008

i am at peace...

even though i am making a list of places i want to go on the way home this semester; there's two restaurants near the bay -- one japanese, the other seafood -- that i soooo want to go visit. right now, i am pulled over to talk with a very irate travelling trainer for eviljob on my way home from teaching, cos i've lost my headset somewhere. i love my class, i really do. i love everything...even this neon-bedecked parking lot; the weather's freezing, and it is all just gorgeous. i am bathed in red and a little blue, and the tree lights are on. i am in love.

i love tree lights.

right now, i am in the 'uh-huh, uh-huh...hmmm' stage of the conversation. i cannot say that i blame...ummm...let's call her macy.

i love shopping (i've been reining it in for about a proud of me). i am late leaving ummm...this seaward town because i stopped to buy this cool, oriental-kitschy coat for meg. she'll look so cute in it that i cannot wait to give it to her.


ok, it's later. by the time i got home it was cold as hell. rhett butler is in a cuddly mood, as always. i stopped at this awesome chinese place by my home and picked up a shrimp broccoli combo -- huge-assed shrimp with broccoli, fried rice, egg drop soup, and an egg roll, so that was dinner...and lunch tomorrow. they are the best chinese food store ever; let's call them We Wok. hee. what i really wanted (besides the broccoli) was the egg drop soup...yum!

my house is so cold (don't fret; cats are warm) that i think all it needs is the smell of a christmas tree to be truly fabulous.

today went well even though i had a small problem with a paper that had been turned in to me for review, and i gave it a polite verso pollice...probably *too* polite, as i don't think the recipient of my message understood that the only alternate courses of action they have open to them are the wholly imaginary ones they have invented.

yep, yep...i am a bitch.

i have to get to sleep; tonight i am choosing to to this whilst freezing my tuchas off by my bay window, under my favourite patchwork quilt. not even my cats will come over; they have all retreated to warmer climes (my home is kept at 75 degrees-ish, it is just freezing where i am cos my window is old and needs to be re-weatherproofed. always something.


Ok...I broke down and played a little with my blog formatting 'cos I got bored. Now I have some stuff on the top, side, and bottom (check out Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert below!) that wasn't before, and I started a Twitter for this blog 'cos I had to start one for my real life, and I guess that means that le Facebook's to follow. Shoot me. If you had any idea how socially 'connected' I already am, you'd warn me off it. Rilly. As it stands, I have my cell on 24/7, I am on my PDA constantly (I even use it to check email at three in the morning when I wake up in a cold sweat, fearing that I have missed something...or finally go to sleep). I have a hard time simply turning *off*, which is stupid, because I miss things no matter how without-sleep I go.


I am so beyond all the Meg crap right now; I am focussing on that part about hoping she is safe. Sigh. I am also extremely entertained by GreyGooseCosmo's link to (credit for finding that one, w00t! Whomever you are voting for, it *is* funny)

I honestly was cracking up at work over that one almost as bad as the one Martini had a few months ago ... let me see if I can find it...

Ok...gonna add it once I post. Go listen to the Halloween station on the radio. :-D

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