Friday, August 24, 2007

Now i am in a bad mood.

It is probably lack of sleep; Kate was getting on my nerves at our
meeting after my class, now i am at Eviljob, and Baby Bat is annoying
the crap out of me. In fact, the only one *not* annoying me is
Supermom. Oh...and one of our out of state trainers. Sigh. I do not
know why -- it is me, not them -- so i am trying to just avoid
everyone. It may be a combination of things. This situation at Job 2,
combined with the fact that i am changing job functions again in a few
weeks (only no one at 2 knows yet), and during yesterday evening's
class i was disappointed in Kate a lot for carrying on a sidebar convo
with Some Guy throughout the class, which i thought was quite rude.
What bothered me so much was that Kate is older than me, a lot older;
she is around forty-five or fifty, and she has taught in middle and
high point is that she knows better. Then she made a very
off-colour joke during our introductions, and then went right back to
entertaining the man with whom she had been speaking, again ignoring
our professor, as well as the rest of the people introducing
themselves. I think that was when i started becoming angry with her;
she should flirt on her own time.

Ok, i know that sounded petty. It did. But i feel as if i have stuck
my neck out for Kate a great deal recently, and it upsets me to
witness her behaving like that. But it is not my life, and she is not
my child, so i say nothing; she is not even in the same program --
just one slightly overlapping -- so it is not even like anything she
does is reflecting on me, really. We both work at the same place, but
so do a lot of people. So i need to get over it, yes. I will.
Personality-wise, both of us have had better days than these past two.
I am just in kvetch mode. Baby Bat is the same as ever, i am just
having a harder time than usual with the constant negatigvity. And if
her attitude won't pass (doubtful), my intolerance of it will.
Eventually. Sigh.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

I think I'd have the same reaction to Kate's behavior. I get really annoyed when people are rude in a class, but even more I hate it when people I know start acting in ways I know they don't usually act just because there's a guy they need to impress. I don't know why, but it drives me absolutely crazy.