Saturday, November 10, 2007


I ended up today stuck at work until it was almost time for the Feral Cat Fiesta to end, so I decided to take a miss.  I am disappointed, but I guess there was no way around it.  Mehitabel has had *another* litter; this time they are all tuxedo cats it seems, and she has nested them at the flagpole, one of her favourite places.  :-)  It's safe there, and the lights are on illuminating the flagpole whenever it is dark, so the ground stays fairly warm.  She is such a good mom.  We should all have such good moms.  Harry and I are managing to keep them all fed. 

I drove out to see my father, and am now so tired that I think I am going to have to nap and try more of this blogging and catching up on email later. 




Smento said...

A whole flock of tuxedo cats?!? Ancodia, I do believe the great uprising is near. Thankfully, you and I will be spared, but the others ...

Middle Ditch said...

What on earth are tuxedo cats? Are they real?

ancodia said...

ROFLOL! Oh, yes...we are on the verge of a Tuxedo Cat Apocalypse. ;-) They will deem us 'unnecessary' unless we have tuna fish, and we will be removed. I am fearful. ...and stocking up on tuna fish.

The end is nigh.

I have included a pretty little 'tux' on my latest post. :-) They are all too real, and breeding furiously in Eviljob's parking lot. Ack.