Friday, March 25, 2005


    I'm still writing my Magnificent Octopus.  It's overdue tomorrow, and that's when I've promised to deliver it.  God, I suck.  I've been typing pretty continuously for the past three days.  This blows.  I need a break; my neck is killing me.  I mean seriously, as in if I try to hold my head up straight it hurts a lot, and I have this weird burning feeling in my lower neck and shoulders. 
Ouchy.  Whine.
    I've been getting weird sleep, only about four hours or so at a time.  Last night, I decided to treat myself, and take six.  Got up this morning, started typing again, and after about four hours, I was hit with the most overwhelming feeling of sleepiness that I just had to take a nap, because it was starting to take an inordinate amount of time to just generate a sentence or two.  So I slept.  And I dreamt. 
I mention it because I haven't done that in a very long time.  Probably two years or more. 
    Now, I know that all this time, I have been dreaming; I'm not *that* unaware of bodily processes.  But I didn't remember them, not even the slightest whispering scent of a dream, for a very long time. 
This hasn't bothered me in the least.
    I've been frankly happier without them.  Sure, some of them are nice, but the ones that are unpleasant or hurtful are SO unpleasant or hurtful that I've been quite happily plugging along not remembering anything that might have been dreamt the night before.  No dreams to make me sad, nothing. 
    This one wasn't so terribly unpleasant.  In the long run, I could have lived without it, but it wasn't too bad.  It definitely counted as a bad-good dream.  Or maybe a neutral-good dream.  :-)  It was cool because the room I was in was totally black rock, including the walls, and one wall had water falling from an unseen location at the top, down the wall.  And this wall had small shelves that held small glass candle holders interspersed across it, which had a really pretty effect visually, in addition to breaking up the fall of the water enough to cause it to softly gurgle.  It may be something I have seen before somewhere, but I don't recall where at this moment. 
    It's just strange that I would start back dreaming now.  Why now?  :-)  Did I give myself too much sleep? 
If so, I guess I need to quit that.  Back to the Magnificent Octopus. 

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