Friday, March 11, 2005

If there is a god, then he's a just one....

I guess I get more than my fair share of pain because I can take it: Redheads

At least there's some benefit to this hair and skin.

I'm sorry...did *I* just make that sarcastic snicker? My bad.

I have to type more stuff, and somehow get in 16 hrs at Eviljob over the weekend. Big thing due Monday. And stuff overdue in one of my classes, but they're going to have to cope. 'Cos god knows I'm not. Sigh.

I have a lot of references to god for an agnostic. Heh. The irony of life.

I met with one of my former profs today; if he's not Number One Fave Of All Time, he's for sure in the top 1.5. :-) This is someone I have known since my undergrad days, and he's awesome. Very intelligent, unprejudiced, interested in everything, fun to talk to, kind, very funny, patient... I went to talk to him for maybe fifteen minutes, and ended up there for over two hours, and I didn't notice! Neither did he, but that's one of the things that make him so awesome. Everytime I go to talk with him, I feel like he has nothing else to do. :-) I think he does, too. :-D He gets an amazing amount done, though. Somehow. I wish I could pull that off. He's a former head of department for a...let's say "soft science" field I minored in as an undergrad. In general, I tend toward being hard (well, hard*er*) science, but I completely feel that the things he does are just as, if not more, important. I just say that because of an attitude in our department (and others). Everyone is so goddamned elitist, you know? I guess it's a way of reassuring yourself that you've made good life decisions, but seeing as how I deeply like people in other fields, I don't have a lot of tolerance for that kind of elitism. I can't see how anyone could not like this guy; he really is thoughtful, very insightful, an excellent conversationalist (I mean truly above reproach!), he both understands and generates successful and appropriate allusions, he is open to suggestions, and is tolerant of the learning process--I mean, he doesn't just give up on you if you can't grasp a complex concept out of the gate... Why can't all men be like this?


Yeah, I do. For a really long time, too.


Yeah, I know I am. Really big time a lot.


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