Sunday, July 17, 2005

Weirdos I Work With

In addition to the people I've had to call (or who have called me) in the course of working whilst dying that have told me I sound sexy, I actually had a coworker on Saturday tell me that. To my face!

As I'm gasping for breath and trying to stand six-or-more feet away in the hall and hoping that the rattling in my chest isn't too distracting, he gives me a "By the way...I know you don't feel good, but your voice sounds really sexy!" Oh, yeah? What am I supposed to wheeze to that? I just gave him a tight smile, and said, "well, thank you, I guess." To which he felt the need to continue with something along the lines of, " really, really sound sexy! Your voice is driving me crazy!"

Please don't share. Jesus Christ. Don't make me hit you.


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