Monday, July 04, 2005

Ya Rabotayet

Sigh. Had to sit through one of Sophie's meandering explanations of etymology today. Not that I think she's a native speaker of English, or anything. Well, I have my doubts. I've mentioned before that she's an expert in everything, yes? Well, almost everything. Anything in which she is not a self-proclaimed expert is worthless--and that's why I had to sit through three hours of Sophie and Fluffer arguing today. Sophie knows everything there is to know (she thinks) about computers and such, and thinks knowing about celebrities is worthless. Fluffernut McWhinymuffin knows about celebrities (though to her credit does not claim to be an expert), and thinks our group should leave the computerstuffs to a smaller group that is culled from computer-types, and the Sophie should focus and stay on task--her task, which is not computerstuffs.

As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with Fluffer on this one.

But Sophie has a hard time focusing and staying on task, because she has the attention span of a radish. It's not like an ADD-thing, it's like a she's an undisciplined, unfocused, little flit thing. Needless to say, most of the things Sophie believes herself to excel in are typically self-induced delusions. But whatever; I've become accustomed to her, and know not to take on faith most of the things that come out of her mouth. I can only hope that I'm still around when she gets her well-deserved kick in the tush for being a know-it-all.

That's why I didn't correct her when she went off on her ridiculously pedantic explanation of how a certain word comes from something it just simply doesn't. Something very similar to saying "dynamic" comes from the word "dynamics". Sigh. Why should I bother to correct her? I mean, true, she makes us look like idiots when she says things like that, but she does this stuff all of the time, so what's one more thing? Plus, when you do try to correct her she usually gets defensive. So I don't bother usually, just like I'm trying to train myself off getting irritated at either of them; there's no point in it.

And as usual, I'm up again way too late. Time for bed and hopefully I won't dream of a three-hour Clash of the Titan Egos; that would be too awful. :-)

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