Thursday, December 11, 2008

I want a *real* doctor; you know -- a Jew.

Because she was at my home when this happened, Mummers went to a different hospital; this is the first time she has ever had a 'hospitalist', to the best of my knowledge.  In the past, she's been in the cardiac ward of the hospital close to her, where her regular cardiologist is the director (of the cardiac unit).  He is also the stent specialist -- he gets called in to put stents in places normal humans cannot access.  He can do this, and all on thirty seconds (or less) of sleep, because he's super-human.  And Jewish.  ;-)

Well, this hospitalist is a fucking bitch.  When I was at work today, she actually picked a fight with Meg, and then apologised for 'getting off on the wrong foot', as if we'd just arrived.  Then she made another snide remark at Meg that 'old people fall all the time', completely ignoring the part about Mummers falling because she was in cardiac-fucking-arrest.  

Plus, she didn't *fall*; I helped her to the ground.  


Her Bitchiness and I are going to go around tomorrow -- I am in a rage over her waiting until I was gone to pull this stunt -- and I think that this will end with my moving Mommy back to 'her' hospital, even if I have to kidnap her.  

...can you say disruptive physician , children?  I know you can.  :-)

This bitch has no idea who she is trying to fuck with, but she is about to find out.  



goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Scott Johnson said...

What do we have here, a "House M.D." wannabe? Let's hope she has the intelligence as well as the abrasiveness. :)

Hang in there, and give 'em hell.