Friday, December 05, 2008

le sigh.

I seem to have had another one of those holiday mood swings again;
this is starting to seriously blow. I was fine until this evening,
then...*crash*. Now I am all depressed, with no specific cause.

I have the first of the usual work-school-work-work-schtuff holiday
parties tomorrow, and I have managed to get *out* of the holiday mood.
I would say it has something to do with going alone, as I'd
yes/no/maybe'd taking a certain person enough times that I finally
fell back on my rule of 'if the answer is not immediately "yes", then
it should be an immediate "no"'. And so it goes; that really does not
upset or entangle me, I am honestly just 'in the dumps' for no reason
at all.

Nothing else interesting, at least nothing I can remember. This is
bad; I do not usually get like this.

Okay, yes I do, just not for no reason.

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