Monday, December 29, 2008


i am cleaning house, and had something very weird happen -- i found
one purse and an outfit stuffed in my closet that i did not think were
mine, but they are. i think that i am under more stress than i
realise. i wrote a whole post about it, then shelved it because it is
just too strange, but i needed to discuss it with someone, and i
cannot just ring a friend and go getting weird on them. i am fine,
just a little spooked.

everything else is good. meg asked me if i thought mom was 'normal'
cognitively since her most recent hospitalisation, and i do not think
she is 'normal', she seems nicer and less belligerent, but slower to
grasp some things. it is not pronounced, but it is there. meg thinks
mom might have had an undiscovered stroke, but i doubt that; they
tested the bejeezus out of her, even more so once i got her cc changed
from syncope. she had a neuro workup, and they said no stroke. i think
it is blood sugar related; i think she might have pickled her brain a
tich with her blood sugars of 500+. i do not know if that can actually
kill off brain cells, but that is kind of an irrelevant issue at this
point, because if it can, then we work with what is; if it cannot, by
working with what is, she gets better en route. she's not
incapacitated, and i know that high glucose makes her nasty, so maybe
she just *seems* so much nicer in comparison. :-)

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