Thursday, September 09, 2004

Like clockwork

Amazing. This is my life. I as much as think about quitting Eviljob, and the second I press "Post", my son-friend calls and needs money to fix his car. It's only about $100, not that I necessarily have that just lying around, but let me assure you that it could be worse. It's not the money. It's not. Really. It's that it just feels like even if I joke about having a life, Life won't let me consider it for even a moment. I'm not angry. I'm just...I don't know. It would have been cool to relax and think about Total Freedom. Or the cute guy in my class. Or just being held and things not being so screwed up, even if I know nothing is ever going to really change. Whatever.

Of course I said I'd give him the money. I'm not mad; I'm just grumbling. Sorry.

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