Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Stupid bimbo forgets to type a title...

Ok--I'm temporarily giving up on posting by email, because the font comes out so dark. I probably should just change templates, but I kind of like this one. Maybe I will change later.

I'm playing online poker right now (ok, well sort-of playing; actually, I'm just clicking stuff when my turn is up. I'm not in much of a thinking mood right now.), and it's raining. It's actually pretty nice; I just love the sound of water--fountains, rain, waterfalls--anything. I hope it rains all night. It's always easier for me to fall asleep when it does, even though it underscores my loneliness in a way. Well, to me it does; I'd rather be falling asleep with someone.

I was going to go on to sleep--well, actually, I did--and just post this later. But I just got up. Grrr. No more rain, and the frogs are chirping. Well, really not chirping--more like quacking. Loud. Picture a flock of ducks on your front lawn--yeah, that. I have an indoor cat, and he wants nothing more than to go outside and find out what is making all that noise--it's kind of cute. Like he'd know what to do with a frog; if it jumped, he'd probably wet himself; he's a big chicken. But he's cute.

Ok...I'm going to try to sleep again now.

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