Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I think that I am getting sick. My throat is hurting, I have Squooshneck again, I am just feeling crappy, and this all happened slowly over the course of today. This is all I need. But considering I have gotten little sleep for probably over a week at this point, I guess it is not surprising. Meg has been sick for over a week with that respiratory infection from hell that is going around, so I probably caught it from her. She probably intentionally coughed on Squoosh so that I would kiss him and get sick too. I avoided getting sick this long, and I have been tormenting her ruthlessly that I am not getting sick because I am more highly evolved (a dentist told me that jokingly once because I have never had wisdom teeth; I was just born without them), but I think Meg will have the last laugh.

Oh, pfft.

I hate Wednesdays. The teleconference today was for this LOOOONG class that is run like a practical seminar; we have several projects over the course of the semester, and they are all so damn involved. And boring. But, on the other hand, when I am done, I will have a portfolio of sorts for the type of thing we are doing in there. This is a good thing.

Well, except when I am reminded of Airplane! and start laughing uncontrollably. It makes my mascara run. :-)

I am going to go get some sleep and see if that helps.

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