Friday, May 19, 2006

It calms down and then...

Ack! Everything gets busy!

I was gifted with a last-second thingy to do, and I have just finished it! Whew. Whenever I do that, I just have to stand back and look at what I have done for a few minutes to soak in the fact that it’s *over*. :-)

I have the usual stuff to do tomorrow, as…well…usual.

And before, when I was working, I had a ton of things running through my head, but now I just have (almost) nothing. This, incidentally, is kind of cool.

I have to decide if I want to go a-travelling, and I am waffling on it—that is one of the big things still rattling around. If I am, then I have to decide by Monday. I am still iffy about it; I am exhausted, more mentally than physically.

Meg’s taken off for an event in New Orleans, and has decided to start doing weekend junkets to fit it into her schedule. :-) She’s cute.

And I am supposed to be editing something for Mom over this weekend. It’s actually for a friend of hers (he’s written a book), and she volunteered me up to do it as if I know what in the hell I am doing—I ‘do’ English completely by ear—but on the other hand, it’s paid work and it will make Mom happy, so I am going to do it. It actually looks pretty interesting, so I guess that could suck worse.

And with that, I guess I had better get to sleep.


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