Friday, May 26, 2006

W00t here I is...

This week has been unbelievable as far as being busy goes, and it hasn’t ended yet!  :-)  The picture of the shirt came from shopping for my brother’s birthday present; it turned out that the shirt was on sale, so I bought it for my oldest nephew.  

I did get in touch with a feral cat group nearby (people—not a group of feral cats!), and the lady I spoke with is going to put my contact information in their bulletin to see if I can get some more help; Chrissy just got a few more litters dumped on her, and her helper from my school went away for the Summer, so I am stuck again.  Pfft.  I am still feeding Mehitabel and Friends, so she and the rest of the cats out there are fine, at least as much as any feral cat can be fine, I guess.  

Meg is gone, again, to another tournament.  She just sent a text message a little bit ago to tell me that she was sitting one table over from Hachem and Matusow; I hope Matusow doesn’t start throwing things and hit Meg.  :-)  More than that, I hope that she does well.  

Mom is off—literally.  We all knew about the figurative part already.  She left to go visit her oldest sister, which was really convenient for her, ‘cos I’m about damn ready to kill her.  *She* is the reason that I no longer have a lawn guy, and it requires a little explanation, plus I have a lead on a new lawn guy, so I will ‘splain later.  I am going to have to get some sleep soon; hopefully I can work in a blog post or two tomorrow after Eviljob and in-between playing with this editing thing and trying to get some of my own crap done for next week.  

I really have a lot of talking to do (or writing, whatever), but…things are good.  Everything is good.  :-)  Yay.


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