Monday, May 08, 2006

So we'll see...

Yesterday we couldn’t come close to Mehitabel, so after about two hours we gave up; Chrissy had to get over to PetsMart, and there’s no point in my trying alone.  But we did decide that Sundays are the best days to try for her, since hardly anyone’s there; only a small part of Tech Support and a few other stragglers.  So this weekend, I won’t feed her at all on Friday or Saturday so that she’ll eat our doped food on Sunday.  


I got my grades, and I guess my Person was right about ol’ Someone—my Person’d said not to sweat the GPA issue, that Someone would give me a high grade regardless of the presentation debacle out of a desire to maintain nice-nice between our department and Someone’s department—and I’ll be damned if my person wasn’t right about that.  So that is cool.  One less thing to worry about, though I am still going to attempt to avoid Someone for the one remaining class I would have to take with them; that leaves me with the options of talking one of my favourite profs into running it as an independent study, or my taking it at a quasi-local technological university as transfer credit.  Right now, I am leaning towards the second option just because of the change of scenery and peeps it would afford.  So we’ll see; I don’t have to do it this semester, so I will mull it over for a few weeks; I do not want to appear ‘contrary’ to my HoD; that would be A Bad Thing.  And I already know that it does not take much for me to *seem* contrary, so I try to save the digging the heels into the mud shtick for when I have to.  Our current HoD (and the HoD before him) thinks our department has little to benefit from going to the Other Place (it’s just competition, plain and simple; they have a program very similar, if not identical, to ours), so that may not be the preferred choice, even though it *should* be preferable to running an independent study. So, again, we’ll see; when I speak with him about it, I’ll take the benefit-pointing-out tack as my Person suggested.  

I have been over to their campus a few times, and it is really very pretty; they—like us—have a very large area; theirs is a little more sparse (ours is tres-way more woody), but it is nice, and it’s in a very nice city; scads of stuff to do.  Plus, Nurse Betty lives out that way.  

And when I am on break, I do not check my ‘official’ mail regularly; I just checked it, and an undergrad that I was sort of third-party running an independent study for (I was in charge, they gave the grade) has emailed twenty seven times (practically) since last Wednesday to find out what he got.  So much for auto-response messages, I guess (‘In case no one has told you, the semester has ended; as such, Ancodia no longer gives a fuck about you, and this may also explain why you have been sitting in empty classrooms.  Happy to help…idiot.  If you must email Ancodia right now, be prepared to sit on your question or issue for several days to a week, or check back in a couple weeks when she is required to care again.  Thank you.’).  What did you get?  How about a bucket of ice in the pants when I see you next semester?  Try checking your online transcript, dingbat.  Uhhh…duh.  

I know—I am totally the nurturing Earth Mother type.  Guilty as charged.

Meg’s back from Las Vegas, and back at work; she’s taking the next two or three weekends and going to another leg of one of the tours, I forget which.  She said that she did okay this past time, but not great—she says she covered her expenses plus a little, but with people in our family that is like saying nothing at all; I guess I would have had to have been there.  I would criticise her on it, but I am like that as well—as is everyone else blood-related to me.  I know it’s annoying.  I cannot stop doing it.  :-)  

I wish that I could go with her, but I cannot; or, well, I guess I *could*, but the schedule-shifting it would take I am just not up to right now; I need rest.  I begged off a trip at the end of this month, and have three others that I may not be able to scootch out of between now and September.  

So, as with everything, we’ll see.  Mehitabel’s fed and watered, which I will keep doing until Thursday.  Then we’ll see.  


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