Monday, June 25, 2007

Burning Down the Nasty Restaurants, One Gar Woods At a Time

Well, then.

Today's meeting went well, I guess.  Karol was told on Friday that he was being let off-contract on another unrelated issue that neither Kate nor I knew about (and still do not), and so today's revelations just sped things up a bit.  Sigh.  We have been told to not associate with him any further, so I guess in effect *we* are the ones on warning, but whatever. 

In Other News, hopefully Gar Woods, the Nastiest Restaurant on Earth, will burn down:  Tahoe Fires.

When Meg and I were there this past March, the service sucked ass and the food was absolutely revolting.  I made the mistake of getting their *nasty* crab sandwich -- imagine a grilled cheese sandwich dripping with butter (or 20/50 motor oil) with some crab inside coated in what certainly tasted like watered-down deli mustard and mayonnaise. 

Ok, now imagine someone asking you to pay $18 for it.

Burn, Gar Woods...BURN!


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