Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Eek. Hold me.

Happy Khachaturian's birthday! 

Speaking of which, I went to Amazon to treat myself and replace one of my Khachaturian cds, and saw this:

Do not ever do this.

Or this.

I hate fake Cyrillic, 'cos I am the moron who will sit there and try to sound it out; my programming makes it so that I start sounding out the word if I do not immediately recognise it.  Then I have a problem code-switching (which I do a lot of the time anyway -- just this sentence, I started typing 'c-o-u-n-d', and if I am rushing, I will type 'h' for 'n' *every* single time; in my brain, H *looks* like it makes the 'N' sound, and the capital letters on the keyboard just make it worse sometimes.  Those are my two biggest problems -- s- and n- sounds).  And so here the letter they are using for A is actually a D (in common script), so I got as far as (in English) KNDSND... (which is nonsensical, but when sounded out sounds as if they were trying to spell 'Knudsen', or something...can you tell that I listen to way too much Prairie Home Companion?).  And don't even get me started on the i kratkoe abuse going on up there (turned around and stuck with F to make 'number' look cool, or whatever).  So tell those fake-Cyrillickers where they can shove their Yed Octaver.  Sheesh. 

And Borat can do it 'cos it is meant to be funny.

And Toys Я Us is not doing it...don't go overboard, now. 

Oh, look:  I'm not alone!  I was trying to double-check to see if my memory was serving me well for the Red October bullshit, and found this entry.

Butsoanyway.  I ended up buying this non-offencive one instead. 

Tomorrow I have the nabothian cyst on my cervix removed...yippee.  And I get the results of the biopsy officially.  Fun.

Romeo is ok.  Dr Vet put him back on cyprohepadine (which I am probably misspelling here), and he is eating.  Everyone else is fine.  I have three huge projects on me from Job 2, and one at Eviljob.  This has to simply *has* to.

Someone come organise my life for me, ok?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Note to self: check blogs more often, moron! :) I hope all went well yesterday. Take care of yourself.
