Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Workin' in a coal mine...

Argh.  I have been trying to get a spare minute to rest for almost a week.  I am slowly getting better; I think it would go faster if I could just sleep for an entire day like I want to, but it does not look as if that is going to happen.  I changed my hours around at Eviljob, and so now all day, every day, in-between my two jobs and school stuff, I am going from seven in the morning until nine at night (well, actually more, if you count the time it takes me to get up, showered, dressed, get there, and etc...).  Thank god this will only last for a few months. 

Job II is just one huge thing due after another; we are on a constant time crunch, and there is a lot of 'hurry up and wait' going on.  One moment it is urgent that I write something, then next I have to get equipment up and running, and then next I am having to do something else...and it is all Urgent.  It just really gets tiring and over-stimulating after a while.  For me, that occurred around September of last year.  Pfft.  Burn-out.  Big time. 

I am supposed to be working on Job II stuff right now, but I am taking a break; I am afraid to try to engage anyone I work with in idle conversation, 'cos I always end up knee-deep in some weird conversation, or we end up discussing something so bizarrely superficial that I wonder how I got into it in the first place. 

Augh...  I am being summoned.  Later. 

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