Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am so very angry! Someone i have trusted tried to backstab me, over
something that they aren't capable of seeing through themselves -- a
project of sorts. Therefore, what they tried to pull today makes such
little sense that i have had to write them off as the rampaging
fucktard they so very clearly are. I cannot put into words how totally
over this type of shit i am at this point. Grr.


Anonymous said...

When I type in partial lyrics I get your blog which means someone might have the answer I am looking for.
All I am trying to do is find the name of the group that sang the lyrics of which you have posted. "What sort of person are you, what sign of life comes your way...etc. Will you answer all these questions on a postcard if you please...questionaire."
This song came off of the old (richard blade MV3) tv show. I recorded it from my old VCR tape to a cassette and then to my MP3 player but never got the title that was at the end of the video. The video is long gone and the song is in mono.

ancodia said...

eek. I suck. See my most recent post; I have included the video because it lets me get all caught-up all at once.