Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am so tired that i can't re-type all the crap about moving stuff out
of my office. Or skipping out today for the moonlighting Job 2...with
no notice. Who knows--if things keep going like this, i might just be
able to manage three jobs. And my program. Woof.

I am kidding, of course; i am so fried and exhausted that i can barely
see straight.

And i have to straighten my personal life out a tad. As always.

And i want one of the little babycats at Eviljob. She is so neat! She
always talks to me when i get in or out of my car, and i feed her each
time. She looks just like Cookie, except with longer fur. :-) When we
trap, i can't take her, but I'll make sure she goes somewhere good.

1 comment:

Middle Ditch said...

You need cheering up girl. Visit middleditch.blogspot and have fun listening to a quirky tale of village life written by me
