Thursday, October 11, 2007

I am so over this.

This is what I get for screwing around all last year. I am so over this. I could have overloaded and been done with this class. Seriously; the opportunity presented itself, it is just that I would have had to take the class with Bitch Need Straitjacket, and I didn't want to do that.

BNS and I had a differing of opinion on a few points.

She is wrong, of course. Was wrong, and continues to be wrong. So no, it would not do to subject myself to that crap again; not at all.

And yes, I really did la-la The Girl From Ipanema at her. And yes, I actually do count as an SME in that instance courtesy of one of my Eviljob incarnations.


Butsoanyway; on to my immediate problem:

I (again) have something due (again) and (again) have put it off til the last second (again) cos I don't want to do this crap (still).


It is impossible that I have *nothing* that I am doing that could not be streamlined or tasked-out. I have to take a searching moral inventory.

Like, just as soon as I am done with this stuff.

I am a control freak. I really, really am like, Lord God Queen Bufus Bo-Hemeth of the Control Freaks. They all bow before their appointed time, else I get pissy with them.



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