Sunday, March 09, 2008

Party time...boring-style

Today was good. This is despite the asshat at Eviljob who is trying to
pressure the Director to get rid of the parking lot cats. It looks
like I have a battle ahead, but I am prepared. Bring it, man. ;-) I am
drafting a response; this will be a little awkward, seeing as how I
was (intentionally) cut out...until Someone Who Likes Me forwarded an
email, but, well, now I know, and I am preparing to kick some
self-diagnosed, yet heavily-insured and thereby clearly unwilling to
seek either formal diagnosis or treatment and in this way attempting
to use what they perceive as a protected characteristic when it in
fact isn't ailurophobe ass.
Forgive me; much of the above should have been hyphenated, but wasn't
out of laziness.
When I got off work (early, cos I was fast becoming unfit for human
consumption stewing about this), I came home and had a really short
spell of depression/anxiety over the whole thing, turned on the
television, found some Mindless Entertainment (some god-awful movie
about two kids being killed for their money), and somehow managed to
fall into this massive sleep. Sigh.
When I woke up, it was dark and freezing; I was stiff all over, except
for my left arm...which was nice and warm, because Rhett was sleeping
on it. I poked my warm, fat cat armblanket to get off so I could turn
the heat on, and realised that I had all of twenty minutes to get over
near the university for a friend's birthday dinner...and I had
forgotten to pick up her present.
Christ, I suck.
So I opted for late over gift-barren, grabbed a dvd and wrapped it in
the car as I drove (my car qualifies to be named The Deathcoaster on
so many different levels), and tore over there. We had fun, and my
meal was absolutely wonderful -- a perfectly-prepared encrusted slab
o' salmon with spinach (yum!) and potatoes, served on plates that were
very reminiscent of a Denby pattern I had liked almost enough to
commit to (I noted this only to be told by some other friend of Ms
Birthday that some trendy store had them also, cos she'd picked up
bowls similar to the restaurant's there; then we both were advised by
Birthday Girl that we were getting boring, ha!). BG seemed to be
excited about the dvd, so yay. After dinner, BG and I trudged over to
a nearby caffeine store for hot teas, even though we were both
freezing our tuchases off. I love talking with BG; she's very funny
and intelligent, and it was a well-worth investment of time, even
though I am way-tired and the cold made me get crampy. Right now, I am
back on my living room large sofa, only this time I have the heat on,
a pillow, and a blanket; some nights I just DO NOT WANT sleep in bed.
I wish I knew why, because I *know* it's weird. It is sort-of like
being afraid, but not really. And I know -- you're thinking, 'Ancodia,
why in the fuck would you *stay* out on the sofa watching The Hills
Have Eyes II if you're feeling kind of nervous?', and I can only say
it's not like that, it's more like nervous-restless than
scared-scared. And having the damned television on helps; it could be
anything, it doesn't *have* to be a horror movie. Plus, I don't find
horror movies to be actually scary, really. Might as well be 'Ow, My
Balls'. For some weird reason though, I prefer live TV to dvds. I can
fall asleep with live tv on, where it is much harder with a dvd.
I alternate between having a TV in my bedroom, and removing the damn
thing because I believe, deep-down, that a TV should not be *in* there
(there are a lot of people who feel it interferes with sleep), but
when I *do* have the set out, I end up having the radio on, or
something. Sigh. Eh; my cats don't care what I do, so why should I?

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