Monday, March 31, 2008


I am back, and haven't had much sleep. I had to race to make it to
class (I took presentation duties today 100%, as I will Wed., to make
up to my team-partner for flaking out), and now I have a whole twenty
minutes before I have to go to Eviljob.

Meg's happy; she had a nice birthday weekend (we went sight-seeing, to
a casino, and then to a cute murder mystery dinner theatre), and she's
finally found a condo in Vegas that is a wonderful deal, so I won't
have to worry about either her bank account or her safety...whew. I
probably will see it in person sometime this year, but the photos she
showed me are gorgeous. The pool is right next to (literally) a golf
course, and when I mentioned that she should be careful to not be hit
by golf balls, she went through the roof -- I live by a golf course,
and she asked me if *I* worry about getting hit by errant golf balls,
and told me to get back on my meds. Ha, ha. But I'm happy that she's
happy now.

I have (as always, it seems) a looming deadline for Job 2 that I'll be
working on tonight when I get in. I hope someday this will all be
worth it. Sigh.

Ok...if I am prudent, I would leave right now, so...


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