Friday, November 18, 2005

Life is Good

The weather today was colder, overcast with a strong wind—in short, beautiful.  Simply *beautiful*.  It makes me feel as if I should be on a highway somewhere, travelling.  Why?  I don't know, and that's the beauty of it.  Maybe I was once at just such a time, and the impression stuck.  :-)  Stranger things have happened.  Or maybe I just want the wind in my hair and some time alone to drink coffee and listen to audio books.  :-) I am far too easy to please.  But there is something that is magnificently…indescribable about having nothing to do as you drive down the road on a cold overcast day.  It somehow makes everything around more interesting…  Or maybe I am just weird.  :-)  That could be it, too.  

I used to love my old car.  I love the car I have just fine, but on days like today, I miss the burgundy interior of my old car.  It was such a contrast to the blue-grey-white of the outside that it seemed to be a defining a barrier, and not just a car.  Sure, it is a car, but…that is not exactly what I mean.  Sigh.  Never mind.

Sometimes, I really, really want to ask people if the weather affects them the same way that it does me.  There are some people that I think are similarly moved by weather, music, sounds, scents, and other things like that; actually, quite a few.  But there are probably just as many that I don’t think let external, non-human things contribute to their moods, at least not very much.  And it’s not really a *mood* that is being contributed to, but more of an…experience.  And the experiences tie together to affect your mood.  In a way.  And I think, after a while, that some experiences join up together, and are just overpowering, and kind of carry you along with them.  Mostly.  

I probably am babbling, so…

Came to school today, and got a good parking spot like, right off.  That happens *never*.  My school has the worst parking of anywhere on Earth; we have around 70,000 students, and six parking spaces.  That's right, six.  And before you go getting any wild ideas about there being any semblance of adequate parking, let me mention that three of those six spaces are reserved for faculty, and one is metered parking for visitors.
Okay, so I am exaggerating a little.  We might have nine spaces. 
Then I found out that I received a 97.whatever on my Midterm/Final from Hell.  I can live with a 97.  :-)
Mom has the flu, but at least she is behaving.  Somewhat.  Romeo helped me type an email explaining an idea that I had.  I told him that he is my best helper, and he said that he knows.  :-)  Son-Friend received a partial check, and paid me back enough that I am willing to say, "Screw it" and call it even.  It is not even--by far--but the world is an imperfect place, hmmm?   What is important is that he is happy and feels empowered, and I am satisfied with the amount, which I am.  Especially if I don't have to keep coughing up more from here on in.  :-)
I have a kick-ass idea.  I am actually looking forward to getting quals over with now.  Before, it just seemed like a pain in the ass to have to review all of that stuff so that it is fresh in my mind, but now I want it over like, yesterday. 
I feel like I am actually progressing for once, and it's not for any particular reason.  :-)  But I am not going to complain. 


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