Thursday, November 03, 2005

What am I?

please, help...peez? Does anyone know anything about mammals and biology stuff? Or zoology? Or sociobiology? Or...whatever?

Okay...I was thinking it was a naked mole rat, but I have been looking, and can't find anything that says that naked mole rats feed their children poop. Then I thought it might be a sloth, but sloth *moths* feed their children sloth poop, not sloth *moms*. Aren't you a better person for knowing that? I know that quality of *my* life has increased exponentially. :-) I have now run out of thoughts, and I need to finish this dumb paper I should be writing. Does anyone know what is:

1) A mammal.
2) Cold-blooded (poikilothermic)
3) Eusocial (lives like a social insect)
4) Grows food crops
5) Feeds feces to its young (I dunno *whose* feces)
6) Is as skilled a vocaliser as some primates

The eusocial mammal part totally points towards naked mole rats, but then there's that Pesky Poop Problem. And the crop-growing problem; I also cannot find where NMRs grow crops.

If anyone knows, you can email me: Go 'head; you know you want to. ;-) If you know and just want to give me a hint, I can live with that if it's a *good* hint. If you want to tell me, I'll give you a present. It may take a little bit to coax Mummers to sit in a box for shipping, but I swear I'll give you a present. :-D

Okay, okay...I'll give a *nice* present. And no, you'll not be helping me cheat on school work; 'Codia's not like that. When I've sworn to be honest, I are exquisitely honest. This is for a trivia game I play, and as god may or mayn't be my witness, there are no rules prohibiting me from asking anyone. Truth.




Smento said...

Hmmm. Is it Tom DeLay? Tom Cruise?

ancodia said...
