Friday, February 03, 2006

Alien, where art thou?

I just love Mugler’s Angel, and I have been waiting for Alien, but I cannot seem to find it near me.  Heartbreaking, that.  Over the semester break I am travelling again, and so hopefully I will have better luck out-of-state.

I had an early-morning “creative” meeting today that seemed to last ages, and then I took a shopping lunch; I figured I would luck into Alien somewhere.  No such luck, so I finally gave up and went back to work.  After refilling my supply of Angel and Aromatics Elixir, that is.  

This has been a busy week; I have more and more things to do, and I keep getting more and more tired, but it actually looks like it might be worth it…finally.  I received what is tantamount to an “appreciation bonus” of sorts on Tuesday.  Who says all my work is in vain?  

Well, me, but…whatever.  :-)

Yesterday I had to cut out of work earlier than I’d planned; I have re-arranged my schedule so that my Days From Hell are Wednesday and Thursday, only Thursday is quasi-negotiable, and Wednesday is not.  So I took my long-assed break on Thursday, came back to Eviljob and got settled in, and then my father phoned me.  He wanted me to come over, which happens rarely.  And since he has no concept whatsoever of what it is like to not be one’s own boss, my explanation that I was at work and it would have to wait was useless.  My father, in a never-ending effort to annoy the hell out of my mother, lives about two hours away; it was a nice drive, though, and I was actually looking forward to it, which is perhaps why I didn’t put up such a fight.  Yesterday was somewhat overcast, and at sunset had turned flat-out gorgeous, at least to me.  But then I like what other people think are depressing days, so who knows—maybe it was ugly as hell.  :-)  

And the drive back was lovely even if it was close to midnight, and I was exhausted.  

Some asshole (who I hope will die a slow, horrible, and violent death) has dumped off two new cats at Eviljob, both older and longhaired; one is chocolate and skittish, and the other is cream and somewhat friendly.  Sigh.

It just never ends.

I fed them, and would have tried to grab one, only was going back into work.  I pet the cream one (who looks at least partly Himalayan) a bunch, hoping that it would be around when I came back out, or at least come when I called, but it wasn’t and wouldn’t.  I will try again tomorrow.  

:-)  If I had been successful, I would have given my father a cat as a present.  Well, okay; I wouldn’t have.  But only because he can be a bit mean, at least historically.  

I have a ton of things to do, and I shouldn’t be taking the time out to write this, but…well, I just wanted to.  I pour so much of myself into the things I produce that it is exhausting, sometimes to the point where I dread starting another project.  It *is* paying off—even Pessimistic I have to admit that it is slowly paying off—but…it is sometimes just too much.  

I also am trying to get one of Son-Friend’s daughters to agree to model for someone else I know.  I may not have mentioned it before, but yes, Son-Friend has bred…be afraid.  :-)  This one daughter (he has three) is actually very pretty, even if she is a little flit sometimes.  And this is nothing improper (I would never be involved if it were), and it actually might be good for her, in the sense of lucking into getting experience (she wants to be a model) through Dumb Luck whereas she wouldn’t get it any other way, because she is unfocussed and flighty.  How I came to be pandering is…unusual and involved, as damn near everything is with me.  But hopefully I can get her to do it by the weekend, because I think it would work out well for her.  Sigh.  

I am back to having a list a mile long full of everything I need to get accomplished.  Augh.  Why me?  :-)  Oh, yeah—that’s right…I volunteered for most of it.  Bwaah!

Okay…sigh…back to work.

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