Friday, August 18, 2006

Excuse me, stewardess; I speak unemployed!

...or something like that.

I am still laughing over a post that I just read over at the Super Happy Funtime Blog.

Insensitive? Naah. I just have to mention that there's a longer list, though--in case saving just a *little* money isn't enough: Be Frugal, Damn You!

Things have gotten really hectic here, but it's mostly just the typical beginning-of-semester stuff, and next week promises to be worse. Augh. And then the week after...

Oh, let's not think about that. :-)

But I still live. And I am trying to be frugal. ;-) I want to make my own list of ways to save (or make!) money--I think *my* list would be more helpful!

Here's a start:

(1) Instead of purchasing new towels, weave new towels yourself from dryer lint.
(2) Do not accept the stated price; haggle with prostitutes.
(3) Shoplift.
(4) Stage a slip-and-fall accident at a large corporation.
(5) Seek inexpensive entertainment; for example, the children's section of the Library often has free storytimes.
(6) Write your own legal documents and press releases explaining why you were arrested whilst skulking around the children's section of the Library.

More to come...


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