Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am still alive :-)

I haven't had much time to post... I am down after having gone up
right away, and am waiting for a seat to recoup my losses. Meg is
playing a small NL tournament, so wish her luck. Christ...wish me
luck, as well; i need to do some serious butt-kicking. Harry is
feeding Breakfast and the other cats, and looking for a job that is
part-time. Mom is pilling Romeo for me, and in general everything is
ok. Meg and I spent the weekend shopping and playing up in Tahoe, so
at least i got to do a little more than last year. We went to Mt Rose
and Northstar, and it was awesome. Oh! And! Guess who is here? Of
course... Mr Papagiorgio. Ugh. Ok... I had better start looking
pathetic so i get a seat... :-)

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