Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My voice is my passport; verify me.

Ok, this was funny. As we were huddled around a laptop that we were
trying to get to perform despite our router problems...
Boss: What is this damn thing DOING?
Tech Guy: That's not your problem, that is just Microsoft asking you
to validate your copy of Windows.
Ancodia: always something...just validate it and let's get it over with.
Boss: What the hell is that for? Click 'no'. I want to go home.
Tech Guy: It just checks to make sure you are running Windows, and not
some copy.
Lab Mate: Maybe we shouldn't have bought those bootleg OSs from China...
Ancodia: Yeah, better click 'no'; didn't you notice it booted up with
the Lindows Rista logo?
Boss falls on floor.

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