Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Papers, please

Ok; I may once again be taking on too much, but hopefully this'll be fun. And productive. I'm so very excited! And nervous and scared, but whatever.

After leaving Eviljob this midmorning, I probably listened to too much Space Tribe on the drive in to campus because an Idea did come to me. It seemed Workable, Right, and Good--and best of all, no one was going to have to get nailed to a tree for anything. ;-)

I've listened to far too much Oliver Wisdom over the years, and it warps your brain. :-)

So I've turned what I'm going to be doing all by myself into different pieces, and hit up two profs to independent study me over Summer, so I'm getting something out of this. Basically, what this does is ensure that I "have" to produce something that is "theirs" for the class. And what I've committed to producing is pieces of the channelling Rin Tin Tin thing. This will work. :-) Yay. This is me, refusing to be miserable and just gripe anonymously about things that aren't going to change. So I have what will be two separate thought papers kind of thing plus the actual channelling RTT product that isn't mine per se; it's not mine 'cos it's contracted and paid for by the RCMP, but I've carved out a "mine" in a tiny respect.

And I found out why RCG is so positive Octopi are paid for, or should be in his case (which is such a brassy assumption that it's breathtaking), and his Octopus' OPP (other people's papers, of course) should be a group thang.

Why, it's because that's what Sophie's doing.

And he's been helping *her* with it. Well forgive me, but the both of you will be long gone by the time *I* am doing mine, so I'll decline the invite to the circle jerk if it's all the same to you. And that reaction is completely ignoring the fact that I *still* think it's morally questionable to be bending a project to your needs. If you need to benefit, do what I just did and make a side benefit for yourself, but do the assignment! And if he's a big enough doof to have Stepnfetchited for Sophie, that's *his* problem. And that is so totally like Sophie; I can so completely see her doing exactly that. This, in fact, is *exactly* what I would expect from Sophie, not him. So he now thinks it's ok, or de rigueur, or whatever. So then go hit up Sophie; how in the hell did I get dragged into this? Tell her she owes you. Geez.

Go figure. But I'm going to make an attempt to get one of my thought papers published. And anyone who doesn't like it can bite me. They're *my* thoughts. Product is *theirs*; thoughts are *mine*. One part of Sophie's thingy (let's say channelling Lassie about the width of the stetson's brim) was my idea that I threw out in a group meeting--and now it's making one major part of Sophie's thingy. Another major huge part of our Overarching Concept was COMPLETELY done by me, Nastypants, and another person who has since left the group (this is back when I was trying to get along with Nastypants so hard it was painful) because I got sick of the stagnating pool of having meetings about having meetings the whole group was in, and picked the two most likely candidates for getting something accomplished and met on our own, away from the chaos. So I've given more than enough ideas away for free. I'm not giving ideas and labour away to RCG for his Octopus. Not going to happen, even if he let me go down on him for a month. Plus, I'm being left out completely on this Overarching Concept thing now, because it worked. So it's glam and certain people have first dibs on claiming it. Okay, fine. Whatever. But I'm not giving anything else away for free; if I'm a major contributor, I get major credit, or forget it. I can run my own shit privately and take full credit. So bite me. This is one of the things that has been making me miserable, and I'm fixing it. Starting now.

I'm standing up for myself and looking out for my own behind, for once. It's long overdue.

On the Squoosh side, he's feeling super-spunky. And he eats too much. So I had to take away his food and am meting it out a bit at a time. Squoosh thinks he's starving, but truth is, he has no "off" switch. And I don't think it's healthy for him to walk around looking pregnant. :-) And his poor little butthole is probably staging a rebellion from overuse. He's still poopying, but I think he took a break from it yesterday, and that's what I'd noticed.

My older cat, Romeo, may have a respiratory infection. He's sneezed a bunch tonight, and if he does have one, he's probably caught it from The Interloper who has taken up residence in my front door area. It's an enclosed area with a teensy clearing with a little tree and a roof overhang (the reason I want a picture window in the living room soooo badly!), and I've been giving him food and water whilst waiting for Judy the Crazy Cat Lady to get back with me about pet-rescuing him or her. So the cat is happy, but I think (s)he might have a respiratory infection (which increases my belief in my hypothesis that it's the cat--or former cat--of the people across the street who have just had a baby; I'm wagering they've kicked him out because of the baby), so I'm going to have to harrass Judy the Crazy Cat Lady again in the morning. I can't take another cat, no matter how nice of a cat it is; I can't run up more vet bills, especially now if I have to take my older one in, and I can't bring it into the house and lock it in my other bathroom and dose it...I would do nothing but care for cats all day. I have to draw the line somewhere, and I'm drawing it at Squooshable. Judy will take it, get it to the vet, and then get it adopted out to someone. It'll have a better life, and all that. These past few days, I've been giving it food and water regularly, and those FaVor cat vitamins that I buy at the vet for my oldest cat (and it's now mandatory for Squoosh to eat, too; my middle cat can have them when she wants them, which she sometimes does and sometimes doesn't, but she's younger and healthy--and, yes, spayed; she's the one I rescued from Animal Control, and they spay/neuter before they will release them).

And we're getting a huge electrical storm. Whee. It's coming right at us from Out There, and it's really, really high on the K-scale (doesn't that measure lying or misrepresenting? Hmmm... In my best Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind voice, This Means Something) or whatever, so it could bring down entire power grids and whatnot. Cool cool, cool. I'm telling you--the end is nigh.

How can we survive The End? Well, I've been listening to Art Bell and George Noory for decades it feels like, and I think I have a pretty good handle on this. :-) I'm packing up the famille and heading to Mexico. Well, in theory. If you saw The Day After Tomorrow, you know--it's the only safe place to be. So I can head over there, buy property somewhere that's not too horribly disgusting, and wait for the Utter Devastation. OTOH, if you believe all of the John Titor malarkey...ummm...I meant hypothesis. Yeah. Hypothesis. Well if you believe it, then it sounds pretty good for Canada. I can deal with Canada better than I can deal with Mexico. But if TDAT's correct, I'm going to be an Ancodiapopcicle. Hmmm...

One place you don't want to be is New York. You'd think there would be safety in numbers, but I think everyone is in agreement that New York is a goner, whether it's from nukes, drowned world, global freezing, civil war, or whatever. And even if it survives and isn't underwater, it's still going to be really dirty and all Escape From New York-ish or Judge Dredd-ish, and who in the hell could stand that? I'd rather be an Ancodiapop. It's not the hustle and bustle; it's the freaking dirt. That's just one grimy-assed city. I think most writers of fiction destroy New York City for subconscious reasons, the same way cats cover up poopy in the litter box. Even Squoosh understands that.


So I think about these things... I mean, somebody has to.

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