Monday, October 17, 2005


ummm...let's see.

I have a midterm due. Like right this second.

The past three days, work has been chaotic.

Mom had a heart attack last night whilst on the phone with me, thereby necessitating that I call paramedics for her and organise rescue on the phone as she's moaning and dying in my other ear, 'cos she didn't want to go to the hospital, she wanted to see if it would go away on its own, which is why she called me, of course--so that I could rescue her, 'cos she didn't want to call herself.

No, I'm not kidding.

It was her right artery. They re-stented her, and she's in CICU right now. They said that if she's a good girl, she'll get the pulmonary cath and pacemaker out posthaste, though that has not happened yet.

I TOLD her that when it happened it was going to hurt, and she wasn't going to want to be there. I SAID that.

In between the health stuff and the school stuff and the life stuff and the work stuff and now the Mommy stuff, I'm really just kind of numb. It's like nitrogen narcosis--really; I'm *fine*. Or at least I feel that way, and that's what counts, right?

Bless you, Nature.

I'm okay. I have to get back to finishing this midterm so that I can turn it in and go back to the hospital, but I just wanted to vent or whatever.

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